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Let’s talk about valence: From historical roots to modernity

Napoli, 1 Marzo – The concept of valence is fundamental to our understanding of chemical bonding and the behavior of elements in compounds. In this article, a professional chemist will take you on a journey through the history of valence, from its early origins to its importance in modern chemistry.

The History of Valence

Early understanding of the structure of atoms came about when the first scientists tried to understand the structure of atoms and how they combine to form compounds. From ancient Greek philosophers to early chemists, various theories and models attempted to explain the nature of chemical bonding. The very idea of chemical valence emerged in the 19th century through the work of many scientists such as John Dalton, Eduard Frankland and Alexander Kekule and others. It was they who developed the concepts of atomic structure and the ability of atoms to form bonds with other atoms. And this in turn had already led to the creation of Gilbert Lewis’s linear structural formulas and the establishment of the foundations of modern chemistry.

Valence theory

Defining valence in modern chemistry describes the ability of atoms to form chemical bonds with other atoms. Valence is defined as the number of bonds an atom can form, and usually corresponds to the number of electrons an atom can accept, give up, or share with other atoms when forming chemical compounds. This concept plays an important role in predicting the structure of molecules and the characteristics of chemical compounds.

The impact of valence theory on chemistry

Valence theory has significantly influenced chemistry by providing an understanding of the chemical structure and properties of compounds, facilitating the synthesis of new substances, the development of organic chemistry and interdisciplinary research. Accordingly, it has led to the development of structural formulas, molecular models and the periodic table, facilitating the classification and study of elements and compounds.

Valence in Modern Chemical Applications

Below, we’ve written the top 3 areas that are interesting to consider. 

  • Elemental properties and chemical reactivity: Valence plays a crucial role in determining the properties and reactivity of elements. Elements with the same valence often exhibit similar chemical behavior, allowing chemists to predict how elements will react and form compounds.
  • Designing molecules and materials: In fields such as drug discovery, materials science, and nanotechnology, understanding valence is essential for designing molecules and materials with specific properties and functions. Chemists manipulate valence to create new compounds with desired characteristics, such as enhanced stability, conductivity, or reactivity.
  • Environmental and industrial applications: Valence influences processes such as catalysis, environmental remediation, and energy storage. By harnessing the principles of valence, scientists develop catalysts for chemical transformations, design materials for pollution control, and optimize energy storage devices like batteries and fuel cells.


From its historical roots in ancient philosophy to its central role in modern chemistry, the concept of valence has shaped our understanding of the natural world and enabled countless scientific discoveries. As we continue to explore the intricacies of chemical bonding and molecular interactions, valence remains a guiding principle in unlocking the mysteries of matter and driving innovation in various fields of science and engineering. Also in modern chemistry, the concept of valence of elements is still a key tool for understanding chemical bonding, predicting the structure of compounds, and developing new materials. Knowledge of the valence of elements is important for determining their chemical activity, their influence on interatomic interactions, and their applications in synthesis and catalysis.

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